
Nyheder om CAM350 og BluePrint PCB fra dyrberg og Downstream Technologies.

May 8 – Wednesday

BluePrint is a 3D enabled, automated PCB documentation authoring solution designed to work seamlessly alongside any PCB design tool. 

Export PCB designs in ODB++, IPC-2581 or PADS ASCII, import them into BluePrint and create intelligent assembly, fabrication, assembly panel or any custom documentation. Manage ECOs and document sharing and distribution with ease.




May 7 – Tuesday

CAM350 is the leading CAM tool used in viewing, verifying and optimizing Gerber, NC, ODB++, IPC-2581 for successful manufacturing.

DFMStream expands CAM350 with advanced analysis capabilities offering hundreds of critical in-depth analysis checks for all aspects of PCB construction. 



February 13CAM350/DFMStream Demo CAM350 and DFMStream are designed to analyze, verify, and optimize your PCB design for successful manufacturing.   6:00AM PDT/9:00AM EDT (2:00PM GMT / 3:00PM CEST) – Registration11:00AM PDT/2:00PM EDT – Registration
February 14BluePrint Demo BluePrint will automate and dramatically improve your PCB documentation, while streamlining ECOs, distribution and file sharing. 6:00AM PDT/9:00AM EDT (2:00PM GMT / 3:00PM CEST) – Registration11:00AM PDT/2:00PM EDT – Registration

CAM350 version 14.5 introducerer import og håndtering af Flex, Rigid Flex og Embeddedkomponent data i både 2D og 3D

Deltag i DST’s webinar og bliv blandt de første som får demonstreret hvordan version 14,5 forbedrer dig workflow

Tirsdag den 19. januar kl. 15.00  – More Details.

·     Directly import your design data for true design representation

·     Analyze, identify, and fix manufacturing flaws that cause manufacturing delays

·     Inspect for etching, soldermask, thermal, and spacing violations

·     Verify and maintain design integrity and intent

·     Plus so many more features.

TILMELDING : Registration

BluePrint PCB version 6.5

Dagen efter følger DST op med deres nye seminar om BluePrint PCB, som er fuldt integreret til CAM350.

Onsdag den 20. januar kl. 15.00 – More Details

Automatically create PCB views, details, and tables from PCB CAD data

·     Remove constraints of PCB CAD but retain design intelligence

·     Use PCB intelligence to create common drawing elements

·     Create live and interactive documentation with hyperlinks and multi-media

·     Store all info associated with the PCB assembly in one electronic package

·     Support instantaneous engineering changes (ECOs)

·     Allow viewing of documents without the application – web, PDF, or viewer

 TILMELDING  Registration

08. oktober 2020 – 2 nye seminarer om CAM350 og BluePrint

PCB Manufacturing Optimized for Peak Efficiency

Tuesday, October 13

9:00AM Eastern Time (6:00AM Pacific Time) – Registration

2:00PM Eastern Time (11:00AM Pacific Time) – Registration

This webinar exposes how easy it is to use our analysis software, along with our software designed to automate a CAM engineering department. You’ll learn how to increase efficiency, and avoid delays. By implementing our solutions, you will ultimately save time and money. (more details

PCB designs require a predictable and error-free transition from design to manufacturing. Finding errors during the manufacturing cycle leads to production delays and unexpected costs. When analyzing for potential errors before committing a design to fabrication there is more time and are more options to address errors properly

· Efficiently and effectively drive PCB fabrication
·     Analyze, identify, and fix manufacturing flaws that may cause delay
· Inspect for etching, soldermask, thermal, and spacing violations
· Verify and maintain design integrity and intent

Optimize your PCB Documentation Process

Wednesday, October 14

9:00AM Eastern Time (6:00AM Pacific Time) – Registration

2:00PM Eastern Time (11:00AM Pacific Time – Registration

BluePrint allows you to take control of all your documents through automation, while enhancing detail, accuracy, and instructions. High quality PCB documentation leads to fewer questions, fewer errors, lower overall costs, and huge time savings. (additional details)

Not only does this revolutionary way save you time, it also streamlines the transfer of instructions from design to assembly and manufacturing.

·     Automatically create PCB views, details, and tables from PCB CAD data
· Remove constraints of PCB CAD but retain design intelligence
· Use PCB intelligence to create common drawing elements
· Store all information in one electronic “release package”
· Create live and interactive documentation
· Instantaneous support engineering changes (ECOs)
· Simplified sharing and viewing of documents via web, PDF, or viewers

23. april 2019

DownStrean frigiver om kort tid en ny version af CAM350 Streams som indeholder en lang række nye features, bl.a.

  • Import and Export to/from ODB++ and IPC2581 of:
    • Rigid‐Flex
    • Embedded Components
    • PCB Core data
    • Cavity support
  • Stack-Up Visualizer (SUV) support of:
    • Creation and modification of multiple stackups for Rigid Flex designs
    • Core definition and data passing via SUV’s IPC‐2581 stackup exchange
    • Creation and saving Core definitions in the Material list and designs
    • New documentation Fabrication BOM table template for layer materials including Cores
  • Vias In Pad DFM checks
  • Features and documentation tools for creation of Rigid‐Flex and Embedded component documentation in BluePrint:
    • Multi-Rigid-flex stackup
    • 3D Rigid-Flex Stackup
    • Side View for board with multi-stackups
  • Updated backdrill template to correctly present stackups with backdrill overlays.
  • 3D Viewing of Rigid Flex Circuits and embedded components and Enhanced display of slots and cutouts

Der kan være ændringer i listen ved frigivelsen. Den endelige dato for opdateringen oplyses senere.

Downstream technologies har netop frigivet version 6.0 af BluePrint og 14 af CAM350. Og der er tale om en virkelig stor opdatering med mange nye funktionaliteter.

BluePrint 6.0 Stack Viewer


64 bit database
4K resolution support,
2D Graphics
New net name and pin number visibility when zoomed in
New 3D Graphics engine and Features
New 3D drawing elements (3D PCB Views, 3D Stack Up, Scrollable Note Blocks and PL)
New 2D/3D PDF Export
New 3D STEP Import
Screentips for Menu ribbon
Updated 2013/2016 UI backstage
Updated palettes, ribbons and icons
Format Painter
Enhanced BluePrint Viewer with 3D viewing
Table drawing element improvement for tabbing and edit selection
Stack Up Visualizer
Dielectric support



64 bit database support
4K resolution support
2D Graphics – New net name and pin number visibility when zoomed in  2D Graphics engine – New Infotips
Screentips for Menu ribbons
New 3D Graphics engine and Features
New 3D PDF Export
New GUI, ribbons and dialogs (over 100 dialogs redesigned)
Updated 2013/2016 UI backstage
Improved Streams/Analysis
Stack Up Visualizer
Online Help rewrite and RoboHelp HTML (like BluePrint)

April 2019

To nye webinars er klar om CAM350 og BluePrint PCB.

DFMStreams seminaret er planlagt til Tirsdag den 30. april kl. 15.00 – CAM350/DFMStream Technical Webinar – Details and Registration

BluePrint PCB seminaret er planlagt til Onsdag den 1. maj kl. 15.00 – BluePrint-PCB Technical Webinar – Details and Registration

November 2018

DST er nu klar med deres 2018 version af CAM350 og BluePrint PCB.

Med version 2018 præsenterer et helt nydesignet fælles GUI som indegrerer CAM350 og BluePrint PCB til et slagkraftigt Gerber editerings og PCB dokumentations værktøj. Det nye tidsvarende Windows-like GUI gør det let for brugeren at navigere rundt i systemerne og sømløst bringe Gerber data over til dokumentationsdelen.

DST har planlagt to intro-seminarer til den nye version 2018, og du kan tilmelde dig via disse links:

CAM350/Streams 04. december 2018 kl. 15.00

BluePrint 05. december  2018 kl. 15.00

Juni 2018

Tirsdag den 12. juni er der webinar om CAM350 Stream du kan tilmelde dig her: Tuesday, june 12 – DFMStream Helps Build Flawless Designs

Onsdag den 13. juni er der webinar om BluePrint PCB dokumentation og du kan tilmelde dig her: Wednsday, june 13 – BluePring for documentation

Februar 2018

Den 13-14. februar 2018 kl. 15.00 er der igen webinar om CAM350 og BluePrint PCB. Tilmeld dig webinaret om CAM350 DFM den 13. februar 2018, og hør hvorfor DST mener at DRC tjek i dit CAD system ikker er nok til at fange alle de potentielle produktionafejl, som kan opstå i designfasen. Tilmelding her

Den 14. februar kan du tilmelde dig webinaret om BluePrint PCB og få et indtryk af hvor let det kan være at lave en præcis og entydig dokumentation af dit PCB design, og hvor let det er at dele det med andre via intra- og internettet. Tilmelding her

Januar 2018

PCB layout, dokumentation og produktion
PCB layout

To nye webinars: “Get to know the DownStream Difference”

Onsdag den 10. januar: “CAM350 for Flawless Designs and Minimal Delays” tilmelding her

Torsdag den 11. januar: “BluePrint PCB to Ease Documentation and Improve Instructions” tilmelding her

Begge seminarer vare ca. 1 time og begynder kl. 15.00 skandinavisk tid.

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